
Tiramisu is a dessert I always wanted to veganise, so this is my tweaked version of one I found on the British Heart Foundation website and it is gorgeous.   I used stollen for the base layer, but if you cannot find it be creative and use whatever cake is in your local supermarket.

250 ml custard
200 ml creme fraiche
200 g Stollen
Cocoa powder
Dark chocolate with orange
Almond biscotti

Serves 6

Cut the stollen into slices and layer in a trifle or glass dish making sure to cover the bottom of the dish in an even layer.

I drizzled strong Americano coffee made in my coffee machine, over the top of the stollen, making sure not to make it too wet.

Put the custard and creme fraiche in a dish and give it a good whisk to make a thick custard type consistency and pour half of it over the stollen.

Cover the custard with a layer of almond biscotti and drizzle some of the remaining coffee over the top, making sure not to use too much.

Pour the remaining custard mixture over the top and gently sieve some cocoa powder over in a thin layer to cover.

Finely grate some chocolate, I used four squares and sprinkle over the top of the cocoa powder and then leave the tiramisu to chill in the fridge.

I doubled up the recipe and made two tiramisu for a New Years Eve party, but you could halve the recipe or multiply up to make more.

This is a gorgeous decadent dessert and would grace any dinner table and fox anyone who think vegans just eat fruit salad for pudding.


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